The "next" button

Aos meus leitores portugueses as minhas desculpas por postar primeiro em inglês, prometo que ainda hoje escrevo o post em português. Fiquem atentos
Hi! Today I am here to post a little tutorial that made my blog reading a lot easier and even pleasant. How do you keep updated on your favourite blogs posts? Do you use a reader? I started by bookmarking all my blogs and each day I opened all my bookmarks and looked for new posts. This is probably the worst way to read blogs and a big waste of time. Then I discovered Google Reader, much better, at least I knew which blogs had new posts. But the feed in google reader is not very satisfying, you loose the whole picture plus you can't post comments. Then a few months ago I came across a tutorial on how to add the "next" button and I would like to share that with you because it really changed the way I blog.
So, first you go to your google reader, click the "options" button (a little gear on the top right corner) and choose "reader settings".

Next, open the "Goodies" folder and drag the button to your bookmarks bar. What this does is lead you trough all the unread blog posts on your list of subscriptions. The big advantage is that it really opens the blog so you see the original content and can comment all you want. Now, GO to your next blog!

For some extra fun (and some danger as well) add the "subscribe" button. Whenever you find another blog you want to follow just hit the subscribe button and that is it! Whatch your list of blog subscriptions grow exponentially... (this is the dangerous part).

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